Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tattoos and Appearances

I am close to getting to the fiftieth page of In Cold Blood and the murder still has not occurred. The lives of the to be murdered Clutter family is still being described. In class we discussed why the author does this and came to the conclusion that the family is society or show what society expects. The author also continues to describe what the murders, Dick and Perry, are doing before the murder. The way time is managed in the narrative is revealing but does not offer any clue as to why the murder is commited.

Up to now there is no sort of connection between the family and the murders. Which just makes it seem as if the Clutters were picket at random. The murderers also don't seem to be working for anyone who would want to hurt the Clutters. This all adds to the suspense and mystery of why this all American family is killed.

One thing I find curious is Perry. He does not portray the typical aspect of a murderer. Sure he has tatoos but just because of that doesn't mean he fits the profile. Even the description of his tatoos as being "elaborate-not the slef-inflicted work of an amateur but epics of the art contrived by Honolulu and Yokohama masters." (Pg 31). While Dick has a more hardened personality which are shown in his tatoos, Perry seems a soft man.

Maybe its the description of him being injured and his way of thinking that add to this. When the murderers needed stalkings to mask their faces this description was very unique:

"The notion presented a drawback of course: nuns, and anything pertainiing to them, were bad luck, and Perry was most respectful of his superstitions." (Pg 42)

I think this highlights the simplicity of Perry. He just seems like such an innocent guy that does not seem like he did time or is about to commit a murder. Along with this description they talk about Dick having a really high IQ so maybe Perry is only being taken advantage of by Dick. It could be possible Dick wants to pin the whole murder on Perry and him being simple minded is perfect.

The author could also just be presenting him as the weaker of the two murders to later show how his appearance can be deceiving. Isn't it true that some of the worlds most dangerous people seem to be simple and kind?

Maimed: Wound or injure (someone) so that part of the body is permanently damaged.

A difficult situation; a practical dilemma.

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