Saturday, November 10, 2012

Infomercials Unmasked

Its Sunday morning and you wake up at six a.m for whatever reason and made the mistake of turning on the T.V. Prepare to face the consequences. The commercial above comes on and since there is nothing else on, you are immediately entangled by the images of firm behinds and happy people. First you are apathetic toward the pajama pants but as the commercial goes on you start thinking: "Hey maybe these aren't so bad!". When thoughts about how you can wear these on your next trip to the grocery store and be comfortable as you put the groceries away creep in, stop. Just stop and really think.

You should first notice the disconnection in this seemingly perfect commercial. The persuader is saying that you can use pajama pants for the situations presented and be happy about it. What about what you want? Do you really want to wear some tacky looking pants out in public while your children are near by? You might be comfortable but the commercial fails to show that you really cant wear these state of the art pants for everything.

Then there is the state of character of that feminine voice from the heavens that is just too happy. No one sounds that happy when they talk about pajamas and jeans. Here, this woman is temporarily that virtuous being that is teaching us all there is to know about pajama jeans and how they benefit you. There is a choice being presented and she cares about you picking these pajama jeans over just regular sweat pants, which lets face it, are better than all the pajama jeans in the world. Last, there is the mean. Are pajama jeans too extreme or not extreme enough for you? The situations being given make it seems simple but if you really sit down and think: would you even wear these out in public and risk someone feeling the texture and ratting you out?

I do give props to them in their phronesis or practical wisdom. This persuader makes it clear that these pants fit all sizes. By doing this, the advice is matched with the particular circumstance and might make pajama pants a little bit more appealing to you. Right after this, the comparable experience is put into play. In this commercial its the different situations in which you could wear your pajama pants, that could ultimately make you picture yourself going through that experience.

All in all, I don't believe anyone would get a sudden urge to buy these pajama pants after they really analyze the situation. Its all a sham to get your money and make the world tackier. So know what to look for and oppose a tackier world!

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