Monday, January 14, 2013

In Scottie

Leprachauns. saint patrick. green. irelain. these ur th' words Ah woods normally associate wi' thes coontry but coz ay th' foorth episode ay th' story ay sassenach, Ah main add stoaner tae kin. th' way ay talkin' in baith irelain an' scootlund can be stoaner tae kin. Ah hud ne'er pure notced hoo different their sassenach is frae british sassenach. 'en again th' most scotish 'spikin Ah hae ever watched was in th' movie leap year an' noo Ah believe it was aw fake. och hollywuid ye trick me again. the scots irish went tae th' united states, enterin' ben th' auld colonies. they played an important part in th' spreid ay sassenach within th' united states. especially in philadelphia. haur, th' scot irish cam intae contact wi' german an' sassenach. sae haur thaur was a first point ay contact. as they went aff intae th' woods an' men loch davy crocker cam tae be, they introduced different sayings abit huntin'. a body ay these phrases is “deid as a hammer” which still li'es oan the-day. the scots irish also played an important part in th' dialect used in th' appalachian moontains. e'en thocht th' germans an' th' sassenach also lived in thes area, it is th' way ay 'spikin ay th' scot irish 'at remains the-day. tae explain hoo th' fowk 'at bide haur spick, Ah can only say loch brae billies. these ur efter aw th' fowk 'at invented moonshine whiskey. e'en th' documentary enjoys makin' th' back track someain playin' th' banjo, but Ah guess it adds tae th' feel 'at thes is a body ay th' lest appalachian accents 'at remain. as th' scot irish moved frae th' eest tae th' west, they left their mark wi' their accent. mebbe in th' west it wisnae as marked as it was in th' appalachian moontains but coods be tied back. th' roots ay these fowk coods be traced back coz ay dialect an' Ah hink it pure shows hoo leid can travel huir uv a clearly.

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