Saturday, January 12, 2013

English Makes You... (Fill In The Blank)

Back in the eighties, or maybe the early nineties, a documentary was made. Thus into the world came The Story of English: An English Speaking World with its magical eighties fashion and most importantly, analysis of English. As the viewer is taken back in time to a world where English is the most popular language , it is clear that this has not changed. So why did colonized countries keep English after independence  Why does English boost you as a person?

A person speaks English depending on the background they come from. For example, our fateful narrator in the film explains how his accent was created by the influence of him being raise en Novascotia but having  Scottish ancestors. Each person is affected din how they relate to English based on where you are. People can be influenced by American English or British English. For a while, British English was the most popular and even after they left some countries, English remained.

In the documentary, a group of girls are questioned about English. They talk about how a man wants his woman to speak English and how English gives them class. They associate English with a higher status that will bring them a happy marriage to a good man and as a tool to stand up to the world. Even though they put this language in a pedestal, they seem bicker about the fact that it is this way. That they have been brainwashed into thinking that English is so important just because they were once a British colony.

Then the examples moves to Africa. Africa has more than 1000 dialects and in sixteen countries, English is thought of as the link language. Here English, as in most places in the world, is associated with job opportunity. Children are taught English so that they have a better chance at accessing certain fields. Even the president of Sierra Leon, says that it is not about erasing the culture but adding it so that the person can grow more. In a sense English shows here that it is thought of as something that makes you more developed.

California is highlighted for being one of the biggest influences in the English reaching other places. Popular slang from the Valley Girls and surfers traveled across the globe. The slang was made popular by different media such as music and movies. People strive to be the ideals presented to them and by speaking English like a Californian, you were good. This slang taints what was being explained by the British but becomes associated with popularity and what is right.

It is interesting to learn about Japans twist on English since we have our own here. Our Spanglish is a mix and ties into the popular slang more than anything. The one that comes to mind right now is when we say "man" and how that will be the only english word in the sentence. English is a language that is everywhere but it should not define cultures. It can and should be used as a tool but not to create false ideals that a language is better than another.

The Story of English: An English Speaking World. William Cran. 1986.Documentary. PBS.1986.

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