Saturday, February 16, 2013


People have this urge to express how they feel about a topic and have an inexplicable longing for others to side with them. It sounds bad but most of the times people are trying to get others to side with them on the negative aspects of a topic. There is a certain urging to this that can incite some sort of movement or change someone’s way of thinking. Opinion is something powerful and in the Cartagena Manifesto and Reality Hunger, the opinion of the two authors incites those who read them, to express something.
When I read the title Reality Hunger, I assumed the book was going to be about being hungry. But it was of course not abut that. I am not going to lie. Reading those first three pages left me confused and having to re-read them over and over. The author puts many movies and T.V shows into a list and explains a little bit about them. Some of them feel as if he is describing them in a mocking tone like The Bachelor ("tells us more about the state of unions than any romantic comedy could dream of telling us." (pg 4)) So bring all these medias together and writing out what they are about, is his manifest that we should hate them?
The Cartagena manifesto might be a little clearer, even though it was written when everyone who reads this was a very negative number. In it, Simon Bolivar is expressing his views on Venezuela. According to him Venezuela's political ways have doomed the country and it is why he escaped. He is expressing is discontent with the killing in a town called Coro and how the government is simply being close minded. Bolivar is not pointing to Venezuela as the enemy. He actually blames the Spaniards and it is them he wishes to get people to agree with him on:
"They were shamelessly committed by the malcontents, and particularly by our born and implacable enemies, the European Spaniards, who had schemingly remained in our country in order to keep it in continual turmoil and to foster whatever conspiracies our judges permitted them to organize, by always acquitting them even when their misdeeds were of such enormity as to endanger public welfare.” (Cartagena Manifesto)

From what I understand from Bolivar, a manifesto is inciting fervor in others to agree with something you are saying is happening. He is expressing how he feels about something and saying it with topics that might make the others agree with him. 

Then there is Reality Hunger. From what I understand, his manifesto is more towards arts. An artistic movement that takes into account the times we are living in. The author gives all these examples of the modern way people are viewing the media.It also feels like the author is mixing everything together like a collage. Thats why it is confusing to understand since it is just a bunch of ideas put together.

Manifesto from what I have gathered, is a form of writing in which the author wants to express an idea through different examples and get others to agree with him. The author manifests their views to everyone else but hopes to get support in return. 

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