Tuesday, September 11, 2012

T.S In the C.C (Colombian Coast)

What is important to know about T.S Elliot? Well after an extensive and exhausting google search here are the basics: Thomas Stearns Eliot was a poet who acording to nobleprize.org "Eliot has been one of the most daring innovators of twentieth-century poetry. Never compromising either with the public or indeed with language itself, he has followed his belief that poetry should aim at a representation of the complexities of modern civilization in language and that such representation necessarily leads to difficult poetry." The question now becomes why am I adding a little background to Eliot? And just to avoid any confusion, no I dont think he was ever in the Colomban coast (physically at least).

As my reading of My Colombian War continues, Eliot made a surprise apearance in chapter fifteen when Paternstro and her old friend Allegra are driving around in Allegras car listening to his poetry. While Allegra closes her eyes as she drives (drving hazard!), Paternostro explains that to her Eliots poetry speaks about Barranquilla. Paternostro on the other hand, has a more realstic view that she says is "a muddy Magdalena" and a Carrbean Ocean that fills her with judgement.

How can these two have such dfferent views on one writers poetry? Paternstro has a more negative view towards everything around her involving Colomba while Allegra has taken up a seaming ignorant attitude towards all the troubles of the country. This is when the persective of each makes the interpretaton of the same text different. Yet here with Googles help, the descrption of Elots poetry seems to resemble Paternostros views over her friends. From reading the text, it is obvious that Colombia classifies as a modern cvlization with lots of complexities and yet it is curious that the authr doesnt find these complexities reflected in the excerts in the book. The text below is in the memoir and is from Elots The Four Quartets:

 In order to arrive there,
To arrive where you are, to get from where you are not,
You must go by a way wherein there is no ecstacy.
In order to arrive at what you do not know
You must go by a way which is the way of ignorance.
In order to possess what you do not possess
You must go by the way of dispossession.
In order to arrive at what you are not
You must go through the way in which you are not.
And what you do not know is the only thing you know
And what you own is what you do not own
And where you are is where you are not.

This excert descrbes Paternstros situation perfectly. The way I see it, this cold either be descrbing Paternostro or Colombia. Paternostro is going through a stiuaton that does not resemble the person she has become. She has been led this way because of her own ignorance and has reached a point she is what she is not. Now just go back and re read what  jst wrote and thnk about Colomba and the same things apply. Paternostro is connected to Colombia in that they both suffer from the complexities of a modern socety.

Yet, how many times throughot the memor has she not pointed ot that she does not feel Colombian? Even when she fnishes her article she will go back to where she feels she is from and even though her life right now in the memoir is a T.S Eliot poem, it will go back to what it was before. It just makes me wonder if as soon as she finished wrting this memoir, her connection to her country dissapeared.

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